Stampac Support

For our customers, one thing is very important: fast problem solving and easy accessibility in a partnership relationship! For this we offer telephone support, teleservice via our remote maintenance module Stampac 4.0 and, of course, the short-term visit of our service technicians on site.

Stampac 4.0

Using our Stampac 4.0 technology, our service team can assist you by using our camera headset. We see immediately what you want to describe and a time-consuming description is reduced to the minimum.

So that it does not even come to an unexpected behavior of your plant, we offer operator training, scheduled inspections and spare parts packages. This minimizes unplanned machine downtimes, protects your spare parts budget and increases productivity.

For new packaging tasks, we create new format sets and put them on-site into operation.

Within the scope of machine commissioning, it is possible to accompany your production team by our specialized staff.